Friday, March 7, 2014

Modifiers ... don't misplace them or let them dangle!

Hello everyone!

It's been a few weeks since my last posting. With classes and doing a bit of community theater, it's been a bit hectic. Things are calming down, though, so (hopefully), I'll be able to keep up with a more "normal" blog schedule!

Today, we're going to talk about an issue that sometimes comes up with modifiers, such as adverbs and adjectives (see posting on 7/26/13 for more about these).

When used properly, they enhance your writing. When used improperly, however, they can confuse your reader ... or just make them laugh!

Misplaced Modifiers:

Dangling Modifiers:

Limiting Modifiers:

Other Modifier Issues:

As I often say, the only way you can communicate with your readers is how you use your words. If you want to communicate clearly, keep an eye on those modifiers!

Keep pen to paper!

Prof. Rinehart

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